
2024년 10월 4일(금) 세미나 안내 | ||
제목: Space Based Infrared Surveillance using Infrared Astronomy
연사: Prof. Soojong Pak (KyungHee University)
일시: 2024년 10월 4일 금요일 11:00 장소: 과학관 B102호
Abstract: Despite their limited optical resolution, small EO/IR telescopes on small satellites can significantly expand surveillance coverage due to their wide field-of-view and increased observation frequency. This presentation explores infrared techniques from astronomy that can be adapted for space-based surveillance. A particular focus is on an off-axis reflective optical design. This design offers a compact form factor suitable for CubeSat integration while maintaining a low f-number for diffraction-limited infrared observation.
이전글 | 2024년 10월 4일(금) 세미나 안내 | |
다음글 | 2024년 10월 8일(화) 세미나 안내 |