
2024년 10월 25일(금) 세미나 안내 | ||
제목: A Shape-based Approach for Optimal Orbit Transfer 연사: 이수원 교수 (국민대학교)
일시: 2024년 10월 25일 금요일 11:00 장소: 과학관 B102호
Abstract: This presentation discusses optimal orbit determination and orbit transition problems for spacecraft performing Earth observation missions in different orbits. In orbit optimization for Earth observation missions, a parametric static optimization algorithm is employed to determine the six orbital elements based on spacecraft dynamics. For mission orbit determination, the latitude, longitude, and observation time constraints of the target are considered. These constraints are also incorporated into the optimization of transition trajectories for efficient transfers between two different orbits. The trajectory optimization problem first determines the transition time window, which subsequently defines the position and velocity constraints governed by orbital dynamics. Transition trajectories satisfying time, position, and velocity constraints are designed using a shape-based approach, and the optimal trajectory is derived through an optimization algorithm with appropriate design variables. The final transition trajectory that meets all constraints is obtained by solving an energy optimization problem that minimizes the total delta-v requirement. |
이전글 | 2024년 10월 15일(화) 세미나 안내 | |
다음글 | 2024년 11월 1일(금) 세미나 안내 |