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2024년 11월 6일(수) 세미나 안내
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  • 2024-11-05 09:53:10

제목: Atmospheric model configurations for NWP and climate: Vertical resolution and model filters

연사Dr. William Skamarock (MMM Laboratory, NCAR)


일시: 2024년 11월 6일 수요일 17:00

장소과학관 B102호



The atmospheric component of the global Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS-A) was developed for high-resolution climate and NWP applications, and its dynamical core employs a lower-order finite-volume approach similar to many research and operational models. In a 2019 published study using MPAS-A, we found that at current NWP resolutions (i.e. dx ~ 15 km) vertical mesh spacing of 200 meters or less is needed for convergence of the kinetic energy spectrum and to resolve critical flow features in the free troposphere and lower stratosphere. Subsequent to that study, we discovered that we can configure MPAS-A with less horizontal dissipation when higher vertical resolution is employed, thus increasing the effective vertical and horizontal resolution. With the increase of the effective resolution, the higher vertical resolution configurations are more efficient than their lower vertical resolution counterparts, and the results argue for moving to higher vertical resolution in many of our applications even if horizontal resolution must be lowered to fit within existing computing limits. The physical phenomena driving these result are atmospheric fronts and their realization in the simulations, and these results have some implications for dynamics underlying the mesoscale kinetic energy spectrum and model physics. In this talk we will outline our vertical resolution results and supporting simulation evidence, and discuss implications for model configurations including mesh spacing and dissipation mechanisms.

이전글 2024년 11월 1일(금) 세미나 안내
다음글 2024년 11월 12일(화) 세미나 안내

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