
2024년 11월 12일(화) 세미나 안내 | ||
제목: Chemistry-climate studies of tropospheric ozone and other short-lived climate forcers 연사: Dr. Paul Griffiths (National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge University)
일시: 2024년 11월 12일 화요일 16:00 장소: 과학관 B102호
Abstract: A grand challenge in the field of chemistry-climate modelling is to understand the connection between anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric composition and the radiative forcing of trace gases and aerosols. Recent projects such as AerChemMIP model intercomparison project, part of CMIP6, aim to understand the role of short-lived climate forcers(SLCFs), aerosol and chemistry. SLCFs play a significant role in climate forcing, and encompass species such as methane, ozone and various aerosols. For example, changes in methane since the pre-industrial period contributing have made the second largest contribution to climate change, tropospheric ozone is a significant source of positive forcing, and aerosols have played a role by cooling climate. In this talk I'll focus on recent work describing the evolution of short-lived climate forcers ozone and methane using the United Kingdom Earth System Model, UKESM-1. I'll focus on recent work on the drivers of tropospheric ozone and its budget and on the impact of methane emissions reductions on radiative forcing, climate and atmospheric composition. My focus will be on work conducted with the UKESM/UKCA chemistryclimate model, but I’ll also touch on my work for CMIP6, some recent work looking at the atmospheric impacts of hydrogen use, and the use of observational data to understand atmospheric chemistry. |
이전글 | 2024년 11월 6일(수) 세미나 안내 | |
다음글 | 2024년 11월 15일(금) 세미나 안내 |