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Earth & Universe 2050


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220 Considering Various Multimoment Bulk Microphysics Schemes for Simulation of Passive Microwave Radiative Signatures 신동빈 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 2022-02
219 Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems 홍진규 COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT 2022-02
218 Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) 염성수 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY 2022-02
217 The variability of brightest cluster galaxies at high radio frequencies 정애리 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 2022-01
216 Potential sources of atmospheric turbulence estimated using the Thorpe method and operational radiosonde data in the United States 전혜영 ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2022-01
215 Pore-Scale Investigation of Dynamic Immiscible Displacement in Layered Media using Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography 한원식 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2022-01
214 Multiwavelength Analysis of A1240, the Double Radio-relic Merging Galaxy Cluster Embedded in an ∼80 Mpc-long Cosmic Filament 지명국 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2022-01
213 Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing 안순일 NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE 2022-01
212 Formation of pharmacosiderite (KFe4(AsO4)3(OH)4·6-7H2O) in the acid-sulfate-chloride (ASC) geothermal spring, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, USA: Implication of Fe and As redox reaction associated with microbe and clay minerals 김진욱 APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 2022-01
211 First-year sea ice leads to an increase in dimethyl sulfide-induced particle formation in the Antarctic Peninsula 구자호 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2022-01
210 Early-type galaxies with recent star formation have low metallicities - evidence for star formation triggered by external processes? 이석영 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 2022-01
209 Discovery of a Double Radio Relic in ZwCl1447.2+2619: A Rare Testbed for Shock-acceleration Models with a Peculiar Surface-brightness Ratio 지명국 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2022-01
208 Discovery of a Double Radio Relic in ZwCl1447.2+2619: A Rare Testbed for Shock-acceleration Models with a Peculiar Surface-brightness Ratio 정애리 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2022-01
207 Asymmetrical response of summer rainfall in East Asia to CO2 forcing 안순일 Science Bulletin 2022-01
206 A National VS30 Model for South Korea to Combine Nationwide Dense Borehole Measurements With Ambient Seismic Noise Analysis 홍태경 Earth and Space Science 2022-01
205 Weak-lensing Mass Reconstruction of Galaxy Clusters with a Convolutional Neural Network 지명국 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2021-12
204 VERTICO: The Virgo Environment Traced in CO Survey 정애리 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES 2021-12
203 Vertical Variations of Cloud Microphysical Relationships in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds Observed During the ACE-ENA Campaign 염성수 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES 2021-12
202 The Middle Permian to Triassic tectono-magmatic system in the southern Korean Peninsula 권상훈 GONDWANA RESEARCH 2021-12
201 The HASHTAG Project: The First Submillimeter Images of the Andromeda Galaxy from the Ground 정애리 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES 2021-12
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