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Earth & Universe 2050


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2023년 9월 22일(금) 세미나 안내
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  • 2023-09-19 16:19:16

제목: Black Holes: Their Growth and Co-evolution with Host Galaxies


연사Prof. Ena Choi (서울시립대학교)


일시: 2023년 9월 22일 금요일 11:00

장소과학관 B102호


Black holes have been a theoretical prediction since the early 20th century, with the existence of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of galaxies proposed in the 1970s. Over the years, our observations have confirmed the presence of these black holes. Now, in the year 2023, it is estimated that nearly all massive galaxies harbor a supermassive black hole at their center. However, our understanding of how these black holes grow remains a mystery. In this presentation, I will introduce two research projects focused on the growth mechanisms of black holes. The first project explores the relation between Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) activity, characterized by the rapid growth of SMBHs, and galaxy mergers. While galaxy mergers have long been considered a potential trigger for AGN activity, numerous observational studies have challenged this assumption by revealing that AGN host galaxies often do not exhibit significant morphological disturbances. To shed light on this problem, we employed radiation transfer techniques to provide a more 'realistic' assessment of the connection between AGN and galaxy mergers, using hydrodynamic simulations as our foundation. The second project takes a different approach by tracing the origins of all gas particles consumed by the black hole. This aims to enhance our comprehension of how SMBHs form within the framework of our simulations. After this overview of how computer simulations contribute to our predictions of black hole growth, I will touch upon the remaining mysteries about black holes and offer insights into the future of black hole research.



이전글 2023년 9월 19일(화) 세미나 안내
다음글 2023년 9월 22일(금) 세미나 안내

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