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2023년 10월 20일(금) 세미나 안내
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  • 2023-10-13 11:43:02

제목: Simulating Local Air Quality with a Global Multi-Scale Model


연사Dr. Louisa K. Emmons (Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research​)


일시: 2023년 10월 20일 금요일 11:00

장소과학관 553호 


Air quality is primarily influenced by local sources, but on regional scales the impact of upwind sources can have a significant impact. Models that can simulate regions of interest at fine scale while including continental and hemispheric impacts are needed to quantify the drivers of atmospheric composition. The Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) is intended to become the next generation community infrastructure for research on atmospheric chemistry and aerosols, investigating local-scale phenomena in the global context. The capability of unifying various spatio-temporal scales, coupling to other Earth System components and process-level modularization will allow advances on topics ranging from fundamental research to air quality to climate and couplings between ecosystems. MUSICA is also envisioned to become a platform that addresses the needs of policy makers and stakeholders


This presentation will give an overview of MUSICA and describe the opportunities for community participation and collaboration. Simulations using a variable resolution grid of 14-km horizontal resolution over the contiguous United States, and 1-degree elsewhere, have been performed to analyze air quality in a variety of conditions across the U.S. Regions with impacts from regional biogenic emissions and wildfires have been studied in particular. A number of additional variable resolution grids have been created with high resolution over regions of interest, including Korea, Africa, Australia and the Arctic. Preliminary results will be presented from current simulations using a grid with 25-km resolution over Asia, North America and Europe, replicating the future geostationary satellite constellation. The talk will conclude with plans at NCAR for future development and opportunities for the international community to use the current model and contribute to improving it. 

이전글 2023년 10월 17일(화) 세미나 안내
다음글 2023년 10월 25일(수) 세미나 안내

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