
Homepage광물학 연구실 (과학원 330호) EMAIL : yungoo (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-2671
- 광물학
Ph.D. in Clay Mineralogy, Dept. of Geology, Yonsei University, 1995.
M.S. in Metamorphic Petrology, Dept. of Geology, Yonsei University, 1988.
B.S. in Geology, Dept. of Geology, Yonsei University, 1986.Experience
Homepage환경 지구화학 연구실 (과학원 228호) EMAIL : ghlee (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-2672
- 환경 지구화학
Ph.D., Geological Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
M.Sc., Geology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
B.Sc., Geology, Yonsei UniversityExperience
2018.09 - present Adjunct Professor, Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, POSTECH
2018.09 - 2019.07 Visiting Professor, Tratnyek’s group, Institute of Environmental Health, OHSU
2017.03 - 2018.08 Director, BK21 Plus Institute of Earth-Atmosphere-Astronomy, Yonsei University
2017.08 Guest Professor, Prof. Kraemer's Group, University of Wien, Austria
2013.01 - 2015.02 Associate Dean of Strategic Planning, College of Science, Yonsei University
2012.07 - 2012.08 Visiting Professor, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chapman Univ., CA, USA
2012.05 - 2012.06 Visiting Scholar, EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology), Switzerland
2011.07 - 2012.06 Visiting Scientist, Geoscience Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
2009.03 - 2011.02 Department Chair, Dept. of Earth System Science, Yonsei Univ.
2005.03 - present Assistant/Associate/Professor, Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University
2004.06 - 2005.01 Postdoctoral Staff II, Field Hydrology and Chemistry Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2001.10 - 2004.05 Postdoctoral Scholar, Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology
Homepage구조지질 및 지구조학 연구실 (과학원 231호) EMAIL : skwon (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-5666
- 구조지질학
2004, University of RochesterExperience
Homepage결정구조 및 응용고압 연구실 (과학원 216호) EMAIL : yongjaelee (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-5667
- 고압결정학, 응용결정학, 방사광 X-선 회절
2001 Ph.D, Department of Geosciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook,
New York, USA
1998 MS, Department of Geosciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook,
New York, USA
1996 BS, Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Associate Member (2009 ~ present), Korea Academy of Science and Technology (KAST)
Professor (2014 ~ present), Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea)
Associate Professor (2009 ~ 2013), Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea)
Assistant Professor (2005 ~ 2008), Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea)
Assistant Physicist (2004 ~ 2005), Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
Postdoctoral fellow (2001 ~ 2004), Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
Postdoctoral fellow (2001), Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA)
Research Assistant (1996 ~ 2001), Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA)
Homepage지진학 및 지구물리 연구실 (과학원 229호) EMAIL : tkhong (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-2667
- 지진, 지각구조, 탄성파 연구
Ph.D: Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, 2000-2003
(Supervisors: Professor Brian L.N. Kennett (chair), Dr. Malcolm Sambridge)
M.Sc.: Major in Geophysics, Seoul National University, Korea, 1998-2000
(Supervisor: Professor Chang-Eob Baag)
B.Sc.: Dept. of Geological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea, 1991-1997
Exchange Student (from Seoul National University to the Australian National University, 1999)Experience
Associate Dean (Planning): Graduate School, Yonsei University (2020.8-current)
Director: Earth System Sciences Research Center, Yonsei University (2017.9-current)
Chair: Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (2017.3-2019.2)
Associate Dean (Planning): College of Science, Yonsei University (2015.3-2017.2)
Professor: Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (2014.9-current)
Associate Professor: Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (2009.9-2014.8)
Assistant Professor: Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University (2006.9-2009.8)
Postdoctoral Research Scientist: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (2004-2006)
Postdoctoral Scholar: Earth Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz (2003-2004)
Homepage생지구화학 연구실 (과학원 209호) EMAIL : jinwook (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-5668
- 생지구화학, 석유지질, 응용전자현미경
1999, Texas A&M Univ.Experience
Homepage지질유체역학 연구실 (과학원 211호) EMAIL : hanw (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-2668
- 지질유체, 이산화탄소지중저장, 지열
Ph.D. 2008 Hydrogeology, Earth and Enrivornmental Science, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
MS. 2003 Hydrogeochemistry, Earth System Science, Yonsei University
B.S. 2000 Geology, Earth System Science, Yonsei University
Professor (정교수) 2019 - Present Department of Earth System Sciences (지구시스템과학과), Yonsei University (연세대학교) (2019.-Present)
Associate Professor (부교수) 2016.03 - 2019.02 Department of Earth System Sciences (지구시스템과학과), Yonsei University (연세대학교) (2016.3-2019.2)
Adjunct Associate Professor (겸임부교수) 2016.02 - Present Department of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2016.2-Present)
Associate Professor (부교수) 2015.07 - 2016.02 Department of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (July 2015-2016.2)
Affiliate Professor (겸임교수) 2011.09 - 2016.02 School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (September 2011-2016.2)
Assistant Professor(조교수) 2011.09 - 2015.06 Department of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (September 2011-June 2015)
Advisory Commettee 2010 - 2011 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (2010-2011)
Research Assistant Professor 2008 - 2011 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah (2008-2011)
Reseaerch Scientist 2008 - 2011 Energy & Geoscience Institute, University of Utah (2008-2011)
Homepage지구동력학 연구실 (과학원 214호) EMAIL : changyeol.lee (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-2669
- 전산지구동력학
Ph.D., Geophysics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2010
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Scott D. King
B.Sc., Geology, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2004
Academic Advisor: Dr. Youngdo Park
2019.03-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei Univ., Republic of Korea
20160.3-2019.02: Associate Professor, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chonnam National Univ., Republic of Korea
2012.03-2016.02: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chonnam National Univ., Republic of Korea
2011.09-2016.08: Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Chonnam National Univ., Republic of Korea
2010.10-2012.02: Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National Univ., Republic of Korea
2007.05-2010.10: Research Assistant, Depart. of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA, USA
2005.08-2007.04: Research Assistant, Depart. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, IN, USA
Homepage퇴적형태 및 층서역학 연구실 (과학원 213호) EMAIL : delta (at) yonsei.ac.kr TEL : (02) 2123-2666
- 퇴적이동, 하상, 삼각주 및 연안 퇴적작용, 퇴적형태학, 층서역학
2007 Ph.D. in Geology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Dissertation title: “Coupled fluvial and shoreline dynamics: Experiments and Theory.”
Advisor: Chris Paola
2000 M.S. in Applied Geology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
Dissertation title:
“Numerical analysis for fluid flow and sediment transport process on an artificial lake.”
Advisor: Yong-hoon Lee
1998 B.S. in Geology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
2019. 9- Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Earth System Sciences
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2019. 9- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
University of Texas, Austin
2015-2019 Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Geological Sciences
University of Texas, Austin
2009-2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
University of Texas, Austin
2010 NU Invited Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology
Nagasaki University, Japan
2007-2008 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Gary Parker
2005-2007 Experimental EarthScape (XES) Facility Manager, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory,
University of Minnesota
2006 Interactions between transversal and axial drainages in an asymmetric subsiding basin
2005 Steering of experimental channels by an active relay ramp
2002-2007 Research Assistant, National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics, University of Minnesota
Effect of active tectonics on timescale of fluvial autogenic processes
Shoreline responses to autogenic processes in the fluvial system
Roles of stratigraphic controls on shoreline migration
2004 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Minnesota
Lab for introduction of Geology (GEO 1001)
2000-2001 Research Associate, Department of Geology, Kangwon National University, Korea
Environmental and geological studies on sediment deposit in the artificial lake Soyang
Basin analysis on sequence development in the late Tertiary Ulleung Basin, offshore Korea
1998-2000 Research Assistant, Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Korea
A study of numerical analysis for sediment transport in an artificial lake
1998 Teaching Assistant, Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Korea
Lab for Computer and Geosciences
1998-2000 Manager of Database and Web Services, Info-Center for Environmental Geology, Korea