Institute of Earth·Atmosphere·Astronomy,
Yonsei University

Earth & Universe 2050


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Educational Vision

Earth & Universe 2050

Educational goals for improving Human Wellbeing

  • 01 World-Class
    Earth Science-
    Education Cluster

    World-class Earth/Space Education Cluster for training future (follow) scientific generation with “4C: Creativity, Communication, Commitment, and Challenge”.

  • 02 Happy educational
    cluster oriented
    on future researchers

    Providing “Learning, Research Environment, and Welfare” by the innovative education system

  • 03 Professional training
    to solve social

    Training professionals with “warm intelligence” to solve the challenges related to environmental and natural disasters

  • 04 Nurturing human resources
    leading the advancement
    of science and technology
    and social innovation

    Train (Cultivate, Foster) creative and challenging (adventurous) young scientists who will lead the 4th industrial revolution through interdisciplinary education and AI machine learning education.

Educational program

Educational Environment Programs (Classes) with virtuous circles between education and research Courses for future science and social technology
Innovative training platforms and contents

Student-oriented courses (Online Class&Flipped Class), Y-EdNet

Reduce space-time constraints through video-classroom

Provide online and recorded lectures

Advanced Mentoring system

A mentor group (3 members) of professors

Support "Work & Life" balance

Annual Progress Report

interdisciplinary courses

Joint-multi disciplinary courses to cultivate expertise for solving practical natural disaster problems such as earthquakes, volcanoes, fine dust, and climate change.

Courses linked to "Junior Convergence Research"

Courses for globalization

Courses for writing manuscripts (paper, article) and presenting in English

Courses for improving research skills

Scientific writing courses

Courses to prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution

AI courses (machine learning, deep learning)

Big Data courses

Courses for the popularization of science

Frontier research: Design TED talks

BK21-Joint Seminar

Supports for graduate students

Financial support Educational support
Scholarship for bachelor-master combined course, Varied scholarship programs including school expenses, 'BK Leader in the Earth & Universe' fellowship Professional training courses, Educational infrastructure support, Augment the basic subject credit recognition for double majors
Research support Welfare support Support start-ups and job search
Research management assistance

Advanced mentoring system
(A mentor group of 3 members including an advisor)

Administration assistance

Administrative support staff

Support for multidisciplinary research

Cross-course, Open lab program, Establish interdisciplinary classes to support graduate student-post doctoral researcher collaboration

Globalization support

Support for the active international joint research through short-term overseas staying

Academic publication support

English correction and publication fee support

Organization of Graduate Student Council

Governance of graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and professors

Guaranteed leave of absence

Promote welfare by guaranteeing leave of absence related to family events and childcare

No dropout

Mentoring system
Support the mentoring and on/off-campus counseling programs

Housing support

Provide housing information including school dormitory

Facilities for the relaxation

Dedicated lounges
On-campus female student lounges and nursing rooms, etc.

Step-by-Step career management

Appropriate training for entry/development/graduation period
Provide research guideline

Start-up support

Leave of absences system for job seeking and start-ups
CEO lecture for leadership development
Human networking opportunities through interaction with graduates

Job information

Provide employment information in specialized fields using website and SNS

Supports for post-doctoral researchers (Young scientists)

Supports for development Administrative support
Supports for independent research

BK-Leader in the Earth & Universe (BLEU) Fellowship

Yonsei Frontier Lab (YFL)

Autonomous on research topic selection

Support for attending lectures and conferences for Fourth Industrial Revolution

Incentives proportional to performance

Establishment of a career roadmap

Customized career roadmap for each researcher

Providing opportunities for teaching which are useful for entering academia

Providing skills, knowledge, and information that is useful for getting a job in the industry field

Opportunities to participate in the popularization of science

Providing opportunities to communicate with the public through own programs (e.g. Hot Science, Cool Talks, etc.)

Supports for career design

Provide opportunities for teaching and research guidance

Settlement support

Provide housing information and support moving-in international houses in the school

Supports for foreigner

Manual for settlement and life in and out of school (in prep.)

Buddy program: providing help when native needed

Family support

Support for leave of absence for childbirth and childcare

Daycare service (daycare center in school)

Support for counseling (school program)