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Earth & Universe 2050


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번호 논문명 참여교수명 학술지명 게재년월
422 The MAGPI Survey: impact of environment on the total internal mass distribution of galaxies in the last 5 Gyr 이석영 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2023-07
421 Rejuvenating Star Formation Activity in an Early-type Dwarf Galaxy, LEDA 1915372, with Accreted H i Gas 윤석진 Astrophysical Journal Letters 2023-07
420 Pressure-driven processes explain the decreasing magnetization of the subducting oceanic crust in the Japan Trench 이창열 Communications Earth & Environment 2023-07
419 Model-independent Mass Reconstruction of the Hubble Frontier Field Clusters with MARS Based on Self-consistent Strong-lensing Data 지명국 Astrophysical Journal 2023-07
418 MJO in Different Orbital Regimes: Role of the Mean State in the MJO's Amplitude during Boreal Winter 안순일 Journal of Climate 2023-07
417 Main drivers of Indian Ocean Dipole asymmetry revealed by a simple IOD model 안순일 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023-07
416 Hysteretic Behavior of Global to Regional Monsoon Area Under CO2 Ramp-Up and Ramp-Down 안순일 Earths Future 2023-07
415 Hemispherically asymmetric Hadley cell response to CO2 removal 안순일 Science Advances 2023-07
414 Global response of upper-level aviation turbulence from various sources to climate change 전혜영 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023-07
413 Effects of Dead‐End Fractures on Non‐Fickian Transport in Three‐Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks 한원식 Journal of Geophysical Research-solid Earth 2023-07
412 Distinct decadal modulation of Atlantic-Niño influence on ENSO 안순일 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023-07
411 An assessment of the ENSO-monsoon teleconnection in a warming climate 안순일 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023-07
410 A synchronized estimation of hourly surface concentrations of six criteria air pollutants with GEMS data 김준 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023-07
409 Unraveling Joint Evolution of Bars, Star Formation, and Active Galactic Nuclei of Disk Galaxies 윤석진 Astrophysical Journal 2023-06
408 Translators of Galaxy Morphology Indicators between Observation and Simulation 김태선 Astrophysical Journal 2023-06
407 Translators of Galaxy Morphology Indicators between Observation and Simulation 이석영 Astrophysical Journal 2023-06
406 The Shape Preferred Orientation (SPO) Analysis in Estimation of Fault Activity Study 송윤구 Economic and Environmental Geology 2023-06
405 Satellite-based, top-down approach for the adjustment of aerosol precursoremissions over East Asia: the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) NO2 product and the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) aerosol optical depth (AOD) data fusion product and its proxy 김준 Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2023-06
404 Increase in convective extreme El Niño events in a CO2 removal scenario 안순일 Science advances 2023-06
403 Impact of volcanic eruptions on extratropical atmospheric circulations: review, revisit and future directions 안순일 Environmental Research Letters 2023-06
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