522 |
Detection of Extragalactic Anomalous Microwave Emission in NGC 2903 Using KVN Single-dish Observations |
정애리 |
Astrophysical Journal |
2024-03 |
521 |
Analysis of Planetary Scale Waves Using Idealized Sudden Stratospheric Warming Simulations in Different Dynamical Cores |
박상훈 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres |
2024-03 |
520 |
Analysis of Planetary Scale Waves Using Idealized Sudden Stratospheric Warming Simulations in Different Dynamical Cores |
전혜영 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres |
2024-03 |
519 |
Weak-lensing Analysis of the Complex Cluster Merger A746 with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam |
지명국 |
Astrophysical Journal |
2024-02 |
518 |
The formation of cores in galaxies across cosmic time – the existence of cores is not in tension with the ΛCDM paradigm |
이석영 |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
2024-02 |
517 |
The formation of cores in galaxies across cosmic time – the existence of cores is not in tension with the ΛCDM paradigm |
김태선 |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
2024-02 |
516 |
Relative Orbit Control Algorithms and Scenarios for the Inertial Alignment Hold Demonstration Mission by CubeSat Formation Flying |
박상영 |
Aerospace (Basel) |
2024-02 |
515 |
Precision MARS Mass Reconstruction of A2744: Synergizing the Largest Strong-lensing and Densest Weak-lensing Data Sets from JWST |
지명국 |
Astrophysical Journal |
2024-02 |
514 |
Modeling the Role in pH on Contaminant Sequestration by Zerovalent Metals: Chromate Reduction by Zerovalent Magnesium |
이기현 |
Environmental Science & Technology |
2024-02 |
513 |
Fracture Morphology Influencing Supersonic CO2 Transport: Application in Geologic CO2 Sequestration |
한원식 |
Journal of Geophysical Research-solid Earth |
2024-02 |
512 |
Emergence and cosmic evolution of the Kennicutt–Schmidt relation driven by interstellar turbulence |
이석영 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
2024-02 |
511 |
Emergence and cosmic evolution of the Kennicutt–Schmidt relation driven by interstellar turbulence |
김태선 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
2024-02 |
510 |
Effect of fracture characteristics on groundwater flow adjacent to high-level radioactive waste repository |
한원식 |
Journal of Hydrology |
2024-02 |
509 |
Efect of atmospheric conditions and VPRM parameters on high‑resolution regional CO2 simulations over East Asia |
김현미 |
Theorectical and Applied Climatology |
2024-02 |
508 |
Diffuse Light in Milky Way-like Haloes |
이석영 |
2024-02 |
507 |
Diamond precipitation dynamics from hydrocarbons at icy planet interior conditions |
이용재 |
Nature Astronomy |
2024-02 |
506 |
Design of buoy observation network over the Arctic Ocean |
김현미 |
Cold Regions Science and Technology |
2024-02 |
505 |
Day-ahead wind power forecasting based on feature extraction integrating vertical layer wind characteristics in complex terrain |
홍진규 |
Energy |
2024-02 |
504 |
Coupling of long-term trends of zonal winds between the mesopause and stratosphere in southern winter |
송인선 |
Geophysical Research Letters |
2024-02 |
503 |
Chemical Data Assimilation With Aqueous Chemistry in WRF‐Chem Coupled With WRFDA (V4.4.1) |
김현미 |
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems |
2024-02 |