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Earth & Universe 2050


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번호 논문명 참여교수명 학술지명 게재년월
482 Discovery of a Large-scale Hi Plume in the NGC 7194 Group 정애리 Astrophysical Journal Letters 2024-01
481 Chemical Homogeneity of Wide Binary Systems: An Approach from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 이영욱 Astronomical Journal 2024-01
480 Unraveling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. VI. Strong Ionized Outflows in Type 1 AGNs and the Outflow Size-Luminosity Relation 정애리 Astrophysical Journal 2023-12
479 Understanding subduction infancy to mature subduction in Southwest Japan via the self-consistent formation of a weak slab interface 이창열 Scientific Reports 2023-12
478 The energy and dynamics of trapped radiative feedback with stellar winds 김태선 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 2023-12
477 Role of Midlatitude Baroclinic Condition in Heavy Rainfall Events Directly Induced by Tropical Cyclones in South Korea 박상훈 Monthly Weather Review 2023-12
476 Role of inherited fault reactivation in accommodating multistage deformation in the southwestern margin of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan): Insights from 3D seismic interpretation 권상훈 Marine and Petroleum Geology 2023-12
475 Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from GOCI-II observations: Continuation of long-term geostationary aerosol monitoring over East Asia 김준 Science of the Total Environment 2023-12
474 Potential improvement of XCO2 retrieval of the OCO-2 by having aerosol information from the A-train satellites 김준 GIScience and Remote Sensing 2023-12
473 Oxidation of iron by giant impact and its implication on the formation of reduced atmosphere in the early Earth 이용재 Science Advances 2023-12
472 On the Root Cause of the Host “Mass Step” in the Hubble Residuals of Type Ia Supernovae 이영욱 Astrophysical Journal 2023-12
471 On the Root Cause of the Host “Mass Step” in the Hubble Residuals of Type Ia Supernovae 윤석진 Astrophysical Journal 2023-12
470 Fertile upper mantle peridotite xenoliths indicate no wholesale destruction of cratonic root in East Asia 권상훈 Communications Earth & Environment 2023-12
469 Evaluation of observation impact on the meteorological forecasts associated with heat wave in 2018 over East Asia using observing system experiments 김현미 Heliyon 2023-12
468 Emergent constraints on future extreme precipitation intensification: from global to continental scales 안순일 Weather and Climate Extremes 2023-12
467 Comparative crystal chemistry of monovalent cation-exchanged birnessite 이용재 Applied Clay Science 2023-12
466 A hydrogen-enriched layer in the topmost outer core sourced from deeply subducted water 이용재 Nature Geoscience 2023-12
465 Unravelling a midcrustal seismogenic fault structure from a seismic sequence and geophysical data: application to the 28 October 2022 M-L 4.1 Goesan earthquake in the central Korean Peninsula 홍태경 Geophysical Journal International 2023-11
464 The creation of a massive UCD by tidal threshing from NGC 936 윤석진 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 2023-11
463 Seasonally distinct contributions of greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols to historical changes in Arctic moisture budget 안순일 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023-11
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