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Earth & Universe 2050


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번호 논문명 참여교수명 학술지명 게재년월
542 North Korean CO emissions reconstruction using DMZ ground observations, TROPOMI space-borne data, and the CMAQ air quality model 김준 Science of the Total Environment 2024-04
541 Hemispheric asymmetric response of tropical cyclones to CO2 emission reduction 안순일 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2024-04
540 Gaussian Mixture Model-Based Cloud- Phase Estimation From GEO- KOMPSAT-2A Observations 신동빈 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2024-04
539 First evaluation of the GEMS formaldehyde product against TROPOMI and ground-based column measurements during the in-orbit test period 김준 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2024-04
538 Effect of Meteorological Data Assimilation on Regional Air Quality Forecasts over the Korean Peninsula 김현미 Journal of Meteorological Research 2024-04
537 Does a Scale-Aware Convective Parameterization Scheme Improve the Simulation of Heavy Rainfall Events? 박상훈 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2024-04
536 Decreased Indian Ocean Dipole variability under prolonged greenhouse warming 안순일 Nature Communications 2024-04
535 Correct Off-Site Determination of Seismic Sensor Orientation from Combined Analyses of Earthquake and Microseism Records 홍태경 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2024-04
534 Contributions of Parameterized Gravity Waves and Resolved Equatorial Waves to the QBO Period in a Future Climate of CESM2 전혜영 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2024-04
533 Weak-lensing detection of intracluster filaments in the Coma cluster 지명국 Nature Astronomy 2024-03
532 The potential of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) layers as Anthropocene strata 김원석 Episodes 2024-03
531 Sensitivity of the WRF-Chem v4.4 simulations of ozone and formaldehyde and their precursors to multiple bottom-up emission inventories over East Asia during the KORUS-AQ 2016 field campaign 홍진규 Geoscientific Model Development 2024-03
530 Satellite observations reveal a decreasing albedo trend of global cities over the past 35 years 홍진규 Remote Sensing of Environment 2024-03
529 Quasi-10 d wave activity in the southern high-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region and its relation to large-scale instability and gravity wave drag 송인선 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2024-03
528 Physico-chemical properties of illite in the organic matter (OM)-rich claystone of Nankai Trough contrast with coeval OM-poor claystone: IODP Expedition 348 김진욱 Applied Clay Science 2024-03
527 On the Significance of the Thick Disks of Disk Galaxies 이석영 Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series 2024-03
526 On the Significance of the Thick Disks of Disk Galaxies 김태선 Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series 2024-03
525 Mesozoic transpressional structural inversion and synkinematic crustal fluid circulation around the northeastern Chungnam basin, southwestern Korean Peninsula: Tectonic implications 송윤구 Journal of Structural Geology 2024-03
524 Living with Neighbors. V. Better-aligned Spiral+Spiral Galaxy Pairs Show Stronger Star Formation 윤석진 Astrophysical Journal 2024-03
523 East Asian summer monsoon delivers large abundances of very-short-lived organic chlorine substances to the lower stratosphere 구자호 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2024-03
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