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Earth & Universe 2050


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602 The great escape: understanding the connection between Ly α emission and LyC escape in simulated JWST analogues 김태선 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024-08
601 Quantifying the diurnal variation in atmospheric NO2 from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) observations 김준 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2024-08
600 On the Origin of Star Formation Quenching of Galaxies in Group Environments Using the NewHorizon Simulation 이석영 Astrophysical Journal 2024-08
599 Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5Me Compact Object and a Neutron Star 박준규 Astrophysical Journal Letters 2024-08
598 Estimation of ground-level NO2 and its spatiotemporal variations in China using GEMS measurements and a nested machine learning model 김준 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2024-08
597 Deep Learning with Pretrained Framework Unleashes the Power of Satellite-Based Global Fine-Mode Aerosol Retrieval 김준 Environmental Science & Technology 2024-08
596 Autogenic evolution of valley‐confined deltas during sea‐level rise: Insights from numerical and physical modelling 김원석 Sedimentology 2024-08
595 A distinctive rare earth element signature for pyrite oxidation and glacial weathering 변은지 Chemical Geology 2024-08
594 WISDOM Project - XXI. Giant molecular clouds in the central region of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 613: a steep size-linewidth relation 정애리 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024-07
593 The SAMI Galaxy Survey: impact of star formation and AGN feedback processes on the ionized gas velocity dispersion 이석영 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024-07
592 The mafic–ultramafic roots of a Mesoarchean microblock in southern India: Insights from petrochemistry and isotope geochronology of the Coorg Block 권상훈 Precambrian Research 2024-07
591 The associations of Tibetan Plateau spring snow cover with East Asian summer monsoon rainfall before and after 1990 안순일 Frontiers in Earth Science 2024-07
590 Role of tidal mixing on ocean exchange through the Strait of Hormuz 송하준 Environmental Research Communications 2024-07
589 Midcrustal moderate-size earthquake occurrence in paleovolcanic structures off Jeju Island, South Korea 홍태경 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 2024-07
588 Microbially-mediated reductive dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals during freeze-thaw cycles 김진욱 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2024-07
587 Increased occurrence of two intrinsic atmospheric circulations in Asia during the boreal summer 송하준 International Journal of Climatology 2024-07
586 Hysteresis of European summer precipitation under a symmetric CO2 ramp-up and ramp-down pathway 안순일 Environmental Research Letters 2024-07
585 Galaxies with grains: unraveling dust evolution and extinction curves with hydrodynamical simulations 이석영 Astronomy and Astrophysics 2024-07
584 Formation Pathways of the Compact Stellar Systems 이석영 Astrophysical Journal 2024-07
583 Formation Pathways of the Compact Stellar Systems 김태선 Astrophysical Journal 2024-07
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