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Earth & Universe 2050


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번호 논문명 참여교수명 학술지명 게재년월
340 Validations of satellite ozone profiles in austral spring using ozonesonde measurements in the Jang Bogo station, Antarctica 구자호 Environmental Research 2022-11
339 Unraveling Reversible Redox Chemistry and Structural Stability in Sn-Doped Li-Rich Oxide Cathodes 이용재 ACS Energy Letters 2022-11
338 Structuration of Water in Microporous CAU-10-H under Gigapascal Pressure 이용재 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022-11
337 Quantification of long-term fate and health-risk of remobilized radiocesium through porous and fractured aquifers below a dam 한원식 Journal of Hydrology 2022-11
336 Influence of Entrainment on Centimeter-Scale Cloud Microphysics in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds Observed during CSET 염성수 Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences 2022-11
335 Globular Cluster UVIT Legacy Survey (GlobULeS). III. Omega Centauri in Far-ultraviolet 손영종 Astrophysical Journal Letters 2022-11
334 Atmosphere-driven cold SST biases over the western North Pacific in the GloSea5 seasonal forecast system 송하준 Climate Dynamics 2022-11
333 Atmosphere-driven cold SST biases over the western North Pacific in the GloSea5 seasonal forecast system 안순일 Climate Dynamics 2022-11
332 The effect of bottomset on fluviodeltaic land-building process: Numerical modelling and physical experiment 김원석 Basin Research 2022-10
331 Improvement of the Ocean Mixed Layer Model via Large-Eddy Simulation and Inverse Estimation 송하준 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2022-10
330 High-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of globular cluster and field stars toward the Galactic bulge 이영욱 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2022-10
329 Evaluation of cloud seeding on the securement of additional water resources in the Boryeong Dam Basin, Korea 염성수 Journal of Hydrology 2022-10
328 Dynamics of Two Distinct Subseasonal Growth Mechanisms of the North Pacific Oscillation 안순일 Journal of Climate 2022-10
327 Differences in satellite-based latent heating profiles between the 2015/2016 disruption and westerly phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation 신동빈 Journal of Geophysical Research-atmospheres 2022-10
326 Differences in satellite-based latent heating profiles between the 2015/2016 disruption and westerly phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation 전혜영 Journal of Geophysical Research-atmospheres 2022-10
325 Determination of Borehole Seismic Sensor Orientation Using Microseisms 홍태경 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2022-10
324 Wintertime marine extreme temperature events modulate phytoplankton blooms in the North Pacific through subtropical mode water 송하준 Environmental Research Letters 2022-09
323 Widespread irreversible changes in surface temperature and precipitation in response to CO2 forcing 안순일 Nature Climate Change 2022-09
322 Simulated evaluations of hydrothermal anomaly in Muroto Transect, Nankai Trough, Japan 한원식 GONDWANA RESEARCH 2022-09
321 Simulated evaluations of hydrothermal anomaly in Muroto Transect, Nankai Trough, Japan 이창열 GONDWANA RESEARCH 2022-09
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